Plugin Download cod4x files from GitHub
This plugin will Download cod4x source files from GitHub Daily. The plugin downloads the source files every day at 5:30 in morning.
Before activating the plugin we have to change our config file so that the plugin can work properly
1. Changing config.json file
- Navigate to your app config file (app/config/config.json)
- Locate section "ssh_access"
"ssh_access": { "host" : "your-server-ip", "user" : "putty_username", "password" : "putty_password" }
Change host, user and password to yours (this user must be in sudo group), if you have created a separated sudo User for your local cod4x servers please use that user's data.
- Locate section cod4_server_plugin
"cod4_server_plugin": { "download_link" : "http://files.linuxgsm.com/CallOfDuty4/cod4x18_dedrun.tar.bz2", "servers_root" : "/home/linux_user" }
Replace linux_user in servers_root with your user what you have defined in ssh access in previous step
- Locate section cod4x_compile
"cod4x_compile": { "download_link" : "https://github.com/callofduty4x/CoD4x_Server/archive/dev_newarch.zip", "dir_root" : "/home/linux_user/CoD4x_Server-dev_newarch", "zip_file_name" : "dev_newarch.zip", "save_directory_path" : "/var/www/mywebsite.com/html/public" },
Replace linux_user in dir_root with your user what you have defined in ssh access in previous step
Replace save_directory_path, the full path to your websites public folder2. Compile with 1 click CoD4x Binary Files (if you want to compile files via website this part is required)
To compile CoD4x from source you require the following tools, make sure that you have this tools installed on your OS:
- paxctl
- gcc
- make
To install this tools run the next commands in putty based on your OS
if you have compiled previously cod4x binary files than you have this tools already installed
Debian/Ubuntu 32-bit:
sudo apt install nasm paxctl build-essential
Debian/Ubuntu 64-bit:
sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install nasm:i386 build-essential gcc-multilib g++-multilib
openSUSE 32-bit:
sudo zypper install nasm gcc-32bit gcc-c++-32bit
Arch Linux 32-bit:
yaourt -S nasm paxctl gcc-multilib make
3. Compile CoD4x files with 1 click via website
Important after you have activated plugin Download cod4x files from GitHub on the website please wait until the files are downloaded from the GitHub page, the plugin downloads the files every morning at 05:30. You will be not able to compile the server files if there are none, to be sure that the files are downloaded you can check if they exist via ftp. The downloaded files can be found here /home/linux_user/CoD4x_Server-dev_newarch (ofcorse the linux_user has to be replaced with your user what you have defined in your config.json file)If you have located /home/linux_user/CoD4x_Server-dev_newarch than you are ready to compile your first binary file, to do so navigate on the website to Admin page and Locate in section Advanced "CoD4x Binary Files"
Navigate to CoD4x Binary Files
To compile a server file simply click on the purple button "COMPILE SERVER FILE", wait for about 3 minutes and refresh the page (we need to wait for the compile process to finish and to create the file itself). Now you should see a purple file name "cod4x18_dedrun" with the date when it was created (server-files are purple colored).
To compile a plugin simply select the plugin what u need from the list and click on the green button "COMPILE PLUGIN FILE", wait for about 3 minutes and refresh the page (we need to wait for the compile process to finish and to create the plugin file). Now you should see a green file name "Plugin plugin_name" with the date when it was created (plugin files are green colored).
The already created compiled files can be downloaded, deleted or used on your Local Servers if you run them via CoD4x-WebAdmin. Every listed file have 3 dots right from it, if you click on the 3 dots you can choose what you would like to do (if you dont run any local server you will not see the option "Use this version").
If you run local Servers and you would like to switch the version to a previous or newer version make sure that you first stop all Local Servers.
Enjoy the new plugin Plugin Download cod4x files from GitHub