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If I apply a B3 ban without simplebanlist loaded, will it work as julia is loaded?
You will have to test it, I think that it should, if you have that ban with a cheater report on the website then it will work
I'am not sure if i have mentioned it here, but if you permban, tempban or unban via game console (ingame) the plugin creates the rest on the website. So if you ban it will create a new cheater report without screenshot on the website
Then If I use !permban with b3 the ban will appear on the website? as B3 apply bans with rcon.
yes it should appear, julia synchronize game server with website
Let me know if it works so I know the answer if somebody else asks me the same
Ok, I will check that. Forum doesnt let me reply too fast xD
Let me fix that part, sry its part of protection for new users, against spam
No Problem.
Here is a small teaser how the language menu will look @Klauser
on menu click it will open the available languages
Nice, It looks good.