Display Rounds
Not reallly support and more of a question.
I was wondering how you are getting the rounds displayed on your WebAdmin SD server? Something in MoD? If I have round based SD or SR i don't see but its nice to see.
@SMiLeY I have a hostname.gsx file
init(){ level.hostnameSeperator = "-"; //Change this to whatever character you like. This can not be more then 1 character. if( level.hostnameSeperator.size > 1 ) return; if( level.gametype == "sd" ) addRoundsToHostname( game["roundsplayed"], 19 ); else setHostName( getOriginalHostname() ); } addRoundsToHostname( currentRound, maxRounds ){ setHostName( getOriginalHostname() + " " + level.hostnameSeperator + " Round: " + currentRound + "/" + maxRounds ); } setHostName( newHostName ){ SetDvar("sv_hostname", newHostName); } getOriginalHostname(){ hostname = GetDvar("sv_hostname"); if(IsSubStr(hostname, level.hostnameSeperator + " Round:" )) return trimRight( trimAllRightThroughSeperator( hostname, level.hostnameSeperator )); return hostname; } trimAllRightThroughSeperator( string, seperator ){ i = string.size; for(; i && string[i-1] != seperator; i--){} return getSubStr( string, 0, i-1 ); } trimRight( string ) { i = string.size; for(; i && string[i-1] == " "; i-- ){} return getSubStr( string, 0, i ); }
And in my init gsx I call it here
startGameType() { thread neho\hostname::init(); }
@NeHo Thank you.
I just came on to say that I have it running ok.
JEENNN also posted the same answer on CoD4X forum.
In globallogic.gsx under callback_startgametype() I added thread maps\mp\gametypes_hostname::init(); and put hostname.gsc in that path.
Thanks for the reply.
As I said previously in another topic. When the server name updates its name say from Round 6/11 to Round 7/11 All the player stats are lost and screenshots are gone.
I have no idea why it does that.
It is as if you have changed the MoD for example. If you are waiting and then go back to webadmin
So it is like the server is not there anymore because the name has changed. I really would like to know why and sort this problem out. I cannot have more than one server if i want to have scores for the same player. Really need some help because I just have no idea
@SMiLeY it happens because your URL changes, every time when the round changes your URL also changes
There is a line to solve this issue, the rounds part must start with " - Round"
https://github.com/byNeHo/CoD4x-WebAdmin/blob/master/app/controllers/cod4x_plugins/index.js#L615Right now only " - Round" part will work, since I already uploaded, changed and I still didn't finish everything for the next version you will have to use for now separator "-", later on in the new update I can also add a new rule with " | Round" if you want it that way
Look at my application, the name is "Cirkus S&D HC High XP - Round: 5/19"
- so I have my normal server name, plus the rounds part ( - Round )
- if you use anything else then "- Round" the link on the web will always change because your server name also changes, from my link example
with (- Round)
with anything else, lets say (Round, without - in front)
On game server side in the above hostname.gsx
level.hostnameSeperator = "-"; //Change this to whatever character you like. This can not be more then 1 character.
after separator "Round"
setHostName( getOriginalHostname() + " " + level.hostnameSeperator + " Round: " + currentRound + "/" + maxRounds );
Also remember that every server needs unique name
If your server is named
My Awesome Server
your alias for that specific server would be
Every score and every screenshot is related to "my-awesome-server"
So if your server name changes to
My Awesome Server Round 5/19
your alias is
so from now on you will only see screenshots and player scores for my-awesome-server-round-5-19
For your specific situation, your separator is " | " instead of " - ", so if you go to your server details page your alias (link) is "fmjcod4-or-modernops-or-round-5-11", when it changes to next round it will be "fmjcod4-or-modernops-or-round-6-11", so its a different web address (alias) and a different game server with different name (different server has no screenshots and players are new players on new server)
You get the 404 error because the server "fmjcod4-or-modernops-or-round-5-11" doesn't exist more once there is a new round
I hope "perkele" you will understand it now
- so I have my normal server name, plus the rounds part ( - Round )
@NeHo said in Display Rounds:
I hope "perkele" you will understand it now
:beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes: :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes: :beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:
That made my morning haha....Yes mate..that explains it PERFECTLY
Thanks as always. I really love the app and don't want to use anything else. But i think you know that
I am a pain at times I know mate. Sorry.
@SMiLeY Perkele I'm back.
I still do not understand why a player..me in this case is not tracked score wise when I add another server. I cleared all and tested again. If I look in the database under the collection for playerstats I see me on the first server. I created another server went in and killed myself and waited for the rotation. But no score tracked!
Should another entry not be made in the db under playerstats for another server? This is the same on my friends webadmin.