Stats, tournaments, twitch
A section with more detailed statistics and the ability to configure the moment when statistics are transmitted to the site. 13 rounds are played on the promo, but statistics are transmitted to the site only after the card is changed. You can also add a section for organizing tournaments and the ability to place a window with a twitch on the site.
@Powerless Stats are sent after the map changes to new one, only once. This is just a basic stat, it would be a lot of work so I am not interested in it
I am not familiar with twitch, I know that it is used for live streaming but nothing more, maybe I can look at it in future and add it in plugin form
Also I can see that you translate your website, don't do that it will break you application in future when you update.
If you would like to translate it to Russian create a new directory "ru" here
copy all the json files from "en" and translate there, if you do it that way I can add Russian language and you will be able to upgrade to new versions without any issue
@NeHo Okay, I'll do it.
@NeHo Can make an option to write statistics every round ?