Webadmin Installation Error with ubuntu 16.04
Hello, your problem is that you use an old node version, based on the screenshot what you have sent I can see that you use version 4.2.6.
You can check your current node version with next command
node -v
To solve this issue you have to update your node version, to do so execute this commands
sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n stable
@NeHo Thanks for the help and I solved that easily with your commands. Thank you very much
In addition, can I know how to add an admin account? when I try to register to google captcha need to be active. where to add secret key of google captcha? (path and file name and where )
Thanks again -
@ravindu2500 Here https://github.com/byNeHo/CoD4x-WebAdmin/blob/master/app/config/config.json#L39
You need version 2 captcha
You already have a default admin user if you follow the instructions, on post end
https://forum.cirkus-serveri.com/topic/37/install-cod4xwebadmin-on-ubuntu-16-04-17-04-18-04/2config.json file is the file where you have to change things manually usually
I'm having that problem now too. I made a new key, but Google say you need to wait maybe 30 minutes before it works. My said invalid key, then invalid domain. I will wait and see what happens.
@NeHo Thank you for brilliant support!
when I try to reach the admin section of the default admin account I got this
I have exactly the same
Check this answer
@NeHo after that? is this correct?
@NeHo Worked for me thanks
But no cronjob logshow to fix that?
Cronjob logs will be auto added as time goes