New CoD4x WebAdmin v0.0.4 Relase
Version 0.0.4 has been released officially.
How to upgrade from v0.0.3 to v0.0.4
Get the latest version from the Github page
Since you have already changed the app/config/config.json file backup that file so you can over write the new one
Extract the downloaded files to you website, replace app/config/config.json with yours what you have just saved
Navigate in terminal to website root and execute command
npm install
Update the existing database with a new plugincd /var/www/mywebsite/app/seed
Update MongoDB with next command
node dbseed_2.js
Start the application
npm start
What is new in v0.0.4
- New plugin called "Julia Kick Black SS", this plugin will check if the screenshot is a black SS and if yes it will kick the player from the server
- Link to auto generated sitemap.xml file on the admin homepage
- Plugin "Start Stop Server" this plugin is for frontend admin users with X power (can be set backend), we already can start or stop the Local server(s) with power 100, this plugin is in first row admin with lower power than 100
- Fixed the bug for server restart every day at X hour