Julia Top Stats
I am sure that the julia tops stats message should be appearing randomly in game? For me it does not. Here are my settings on julia.cfg
Is there anything else I should be doing? Or a reason why they do not come up?
Thx as always.
@SMiLeY It shows only once when the game ends on my sd server, I don't remember where I placed the script
Ok. I just thought I had seen on one server that it was coming up in intervals. You have this.
And in plugin_http.gsx you have this.
@SMiLeY I also faced this problem. Did you manage to solve it ?
@Powerless Do you use http plugin? I have not played cod4 for years but maybe I can look at my scripts and figure out where it is placed.
You would need a loop and repeat the message every x seconds
If I remember I shared my scripts with Smiley so he use them on his servers, if you use them also I will look at it and try to help